Dame Angela Eagle MP Standing up for Wallasey
Useful Contacts
Here are a selection of contact numbers and websites that you may find useful:
Wirral Borough Council: 0151 606 2000
Wirral Anti-Social Behaviour Team: 0151 606 2020
Wirral Community Patrol: 0151 666 5265
Wirral Citizen Advice Bureau: 0300 33 00 111
Merseyside Victim Support: 0845 604 3719
Birkenhead Job Centre: 0845 604 3719
Upton Job Centre: 0845 487 1844
Wallasey Police Station: 0151 777 2080
Victoria Central Hospital: 0151 678 7272
Arrowe Park Hospital: 0151 678 5111
National Gas Emergency: 0800 111 999
I have also collated a helpful guide for those struggling during the cost of living crisis, exploring the different services that you might want to access.