You can get in contact with me directly by email, phone, by post, or through the form below.

E: [email protected]

T: 0151 637 1979

Sherlock House
6 Manor Road
CH45 4JB

Please remember to include your name, address, contact details and any reference numbers relating to your issue in your correspondence to me. 

If you are contacting me on behalf of someone else, please ensure you have proof of their permission for you to act on their behalf. Many of the organisations I contact on constituents behalf will require a copy of proof that you are able to act on the constituents behalf.

You should also bear in mind that:

  • A Member of Parliament can not provide legal or financial advice
  • A Member of Parliament can not become involved in a dispute with another individual
  • A Member of Parliament can not take up cases of people living in other constituencies
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